Welcome to Imagine Wanderlust

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt Disney 

About our Co-founder Rebecca 

Hi, I’m Rebecca, blogger and co-founder for Imagine Wanderlust. My passion for travel started young. I’ve been flying ✈️solo since I was 5 years old (from one parent to another) and have always loved going to new places.🏝I love learning about new cultures and have a strong desire to travel the world (and not just the world showcase at Disney). I’m a huge Disney nerd 🤓, poker player, wife to the most amazing man, and mom to a precocious toddler. 

Recently I was lucky enough to reconnect with a friend from middle school and we bonded over our love for Disney. She’s quickly becoming one of my favorite people. She is also married to an amazing man who is a ball of happiness and sunshine. He just is! You’ll see. 

Lucky 🍀for you, our husbands will make guest appearances in this blog, but mainly it will be myself and Angela. 

Angela is a flight attendant, a Disney guru, and a beautiful person inside and out. She IS who you want to listen to for travel and Disney tips! (Trust me on this one) 

About our Co-founder Angela: 

The travel bug hit me at a young age.  At around 12 one of my Christmas presents was a luggage set.👝

I grew up in Florida but my father was raised in  North Carolina and we visited family almost every year.

I was lucky to have seen snow at an early age, after learning my best friend had never seen snow I tried to bring her some back in the cooler, it didn’t quite work.🤷🏼‍♀️

In my teenage years I traveled every summer with my church’s youth group around the US and was lucky to go to France 🇫🇷at 15 with a great friend and her family. 

It’s not a surprise now looking back that I ended up in the travel industry.

I love seeing new places and especially love visiting historical sites.  Luckily my husband does too.

We’ve been blessed to travel with his family around Europe and once to Disney.

Even though I grew up less than an hour from Disney,  my trip as an adult is what really showed me the Magic of Disney.

We became Passholders the following year and really enjoy going to the parks without the stress of only having a few days.  We try to focus on something different each visit and have a list of things we want to experience.

One visit it was riding in a Main Street vehicle.

I am also an over researcher 🧐and try to learn the ins and outs and tips of places we are going.  I guess I have major FOMO, I don’t want to get home and realize I missed something. 

I really hope you enjoy our blogs and benefit from our experiences.

Welcome to Imagine Wanderlust!

Our mix of nerdiness, research, knowledge, and passion will hopefully make this huge world seem exciting, accessible, and easy to navigate. 

Hey you! We know you love travel, Disney, and a little imagination. So do we! Subscribe to our blog and you’ll never miss a single tip, story, or recommendation! 

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